ELCE10 Report

Eindhoven, November 2010 ---The Embedded Linux Conference 2010 Europe has ended and was an event with some surprises in a relaxed atmosphere and with good organization. Thanks to all people behind the scenes and on the stages.

The Consumer Electronics Linux Forum (CELF) merged with The Linux Foundation (LF) and the latter announced the Yocto Project, a derivative of OpenEmbedded and Poky, to further professionalize Linux in the embedded market.

The OpenEmbedded General Assembly and also the Developer meeting were held just after ELCE. It was sponsored by Intel Corporation through the provision of a room and lunches. Thanks Intel!

The OpenEmbedded and Yocto groups are seeing how their efforts can be merged; where the Poky build system has some improvements compared to OpenEmbedded, the latter has a bigger bunch of supported packages, machines and architectures, so there are wins for both projects if the developer community can find ways to do this effectively.

Sidebranch will support both projects and also invest effort in realizing the mutual wins.